Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So Many Blessings

We emptied our blessings jar during dinner tonight and took turns reading them. Here's a rundown:

Carson: Prophet and Bible

Chad: I am blessed with a loving, dedicated, understanding, beautiful wife

Brooke: I am blessed that Chad and I both have good jobs and that we haven't experienced long periods of unemployment.

Chad: Family & Pets

Carson: Parents and Grandparents

Chad: House

Carson: World

Brooke: I feel blessed when I see Carson show kindness to other people and to animals.

Carson: Books

Brooke: I am blessed that none of our family members have suffered a great illness and that we are all healthy.

Brooke: I am blessed to have a working, healthy body so that I can go RUN!

Carson: House

Brooke: I am blessed that our son is healthy and hasn't suffered anything worse than a cut eye (yet).

Brooke: I am blessed that Heavenly Father has allowed me to raise on of his spirits here on earth. Carson...you're the best!

Chad: A job that I enjoy (most of the time)

Carson: Food

FHE 10/26/2009

Theme: Endure to the End

Thought: Carson - We learn to endure to the end by learning to finish our current responsibilites, and we simply continue doing it all of our lives. We cannot expect to learn endurance in our later years in we have developed the habit of quitting when things get difficut now. (Robert D. Hales, "Behold, We Count Them Happy Which Endure," Ensign, May 1998, 75)

Scripture: Chad - 1 Nephi 22:31

Lesson: Hebrews 12:1-4; Paul referring to the race of life and why we run the race of life (the reward at the end), what "weights" we should set aside to be able to run better, who we should look to as an example and how we can endure to the end.
Chad then read a story of a pioneer named Stillman Pond who sadly, lost his wife and all 9 of their children as they crossed the plains in 1846. However, Stillman was able to rely on his faith and his knowledge that families are eternal, to help him endure, not quit, and go forward.
Thedogs were so reverent during FHE.

After our lesson, Chad and Carson raked up and put leaves into the green can, in preparation for the snow on Tuesday!

For a final note, we moved the big pumpking from the kitchen window (see behind Carson in the first photo of this post) to the front door. Much better!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

R.I.P. Dexter, the Crab

Sadly, Carson's much loved crab (who only pinched him once) passed away yesterday, 10/21/2009. Dexter was a great crab. He escaped once, after I forgot to put the top back on his habitat, and made it from Carson's room all the way into the kitchen. It must have felt like about a million miles for a little crab! Chevy freaked out in the middle of the night and we went to see what it was and there was Dexter, clickity clacking his way across the kitchen floor about about 3am. Wonder where he was headed?

We'll miss you, Dexter...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10/21/2009 Quote of the Day

Carson: "Mom, come in here and look on my toilet seat!"

Um...no thanks!

10/21/2009 House of Cards

Or multiplication flash cards, rather.

10/21/2009 Low Gear Sport?

You would think running is a sport for which you don't really need much gear. Put on a pair of shorts, a sports bra (or two), a shirt, socks and shoes and GO, right? Well, now that I am running more often and longer, it's a whole different game. So, here's a run down of all I take with me:My trusty pepper spray! Thanks to Chad and Carson for picking this up for me at Gunnies!
The pedometer. We (Crystal and I) trust in the pedometer to accurately tell us how far (or how short) we have run!

Little flashlight...gives good light and isn't too heavy to carry.

My newest gadget! An ergonomic bottle that is easy to carry because you slip it on your hand. My Dad got this for me and I am looking forward to trying it out on my long run this Saturday!

So, there you have it! Sometimes I feel like I need to pull a little trailer behind me for all the crap I take with me, but I need it ALL!

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009 FHE

A little Pre-FHE Perfection:
Opening Prayer: Carson

Theme: Revelation

Thought: Chad - "These are the days when prophecies are being fulfilled. We live in the dispensation of the fulness of times...We need to be acquainted with the promptings of the Holy Ghost...These promptings become the foundation of our testimonies. (Allan F. Packer. "Finding Strength in Challenging Times!". Ensign, May 2009, 17-19)

Song: "The Ninth Article of Faith," - I tried to sing it, but ended up just reading it!

Scripture: Carson - "God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, that has not been revealed since the world was until now. (Doctrine & Covenants 121:26)

Stories: Mom & Dad - Two stories about modern revelation; Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon receiving what would become section 76 of the Doctrine & Covenants. Mary Elizabeth and Caroline Phelps grabbing pages from the Book of Covenants as the printing press was being burned down. We reviewed a handwritten page from The Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations. This page was titled "The Vision" and was Joseph Smith's handwritten account of a revelation he received while in the temple and studying John 5. This handwritten account would become D&C 76. We then read D&C 76:6-10 and listed 12 things that the Lord promises to those who serve him in truth and righteousness. We then made a "Count Your Blessings" Jar that we could all write on slips of paper and put in our jar, which we will empty and read occasionally. Closing Prayer: Chad

FHE ended with our usual...McDonalds for ICE CREAM!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

10//18/2009 Baking Bug

I got the baking bug on Sunday and decided to try some new things! My friend Kriste had posted a recipe on her blog a while back for "indestructible bread" and I've been wanting to try it for a long time. I finally gave it a try and it was delicious! Carson loves baking and helping in the kitchen so he loved making bread.
Carson's loaf on the left; mine on the right. I think he did a good job of rolling it out, especially since it was his first time.

I then decided to make an apple pie. Our neighbors had given us some fresh apples off of their tree and they looked perfect for an apple pie. Only problem was that I didn't have any pie crusts, so I decided to make my own crust. I was really intimidated, but I figured, if I put the ingredients together and it makes a dough, it should work, right? So, I gave it a try and it actually worked! I was quite proud and it was quite delicious!

I make such a mess when baking!

More mess!

And yet more...

After baking...a little blurry, but oh, so delicious!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A beautiful, warm Fall day. It has been very relaxing, just like a Saturday should be. The day started with a 7 mile run with my friends Crystal and Lynnel. Crystal and I are still training to run the 1/2 Marathon in Mesquite on November 21. I can't belive I ran 7 miles today! We've been running on the Provo River Trail down on "our" end, starting at the trail head by Utah Lake. It is a BEAUTIFUL trail and the Fall season only enhances it's beauty.
Today's run was really great. It's the first time I have attempted to take a water bottle (which didn't work) and also the first time I have tried Hammer Gel (or any type of energy gel). I think they are both a good idea if I am going to do longer than 6 miles, as I felt much better on my run today than last week when I didn't take water or gel.
After coming home, we did the usual chores, goofing around, being loud that we do. I love my family. We aren't perfect, far from it, but we love each other and enjoy being together. I love that Carson is old enough now to really get humor but is still young enough to not expect that I am going to try and scare him if he scares me first!
Carson went to Jessica Thurman's birthday party and Chad and I went a little wild and went to....Wal-Mart! Gotta have groceries!
Chad was nice enough to fix the flat tires on both my bike and Carsons and we went for a nice bike ride on the Provo River Trail. I had ditched my water bottle within the first 1/2 mile of the run today and couldn't find it on the way back, so we went to get it. Don't want to be a litterbug! Carson found it and picked it up for me!